How to get NDIS Plan Management - Afea Care Services
January 19th 2023

It’s easy to get NDIS Plan Management in your plan. Plan management is an essential type of disability service funded by the NDIS and is offered to NDIS participants. With this service, you can have a plan manager assist and support you in managing your funds.

You can request for this at the very start of the planning process, during your plan reassessment or even mid-plan.

During your planning meeting

You may apply to access the NDIS by phone, via email or in person. Once you have provided the necessary documents, the NDIA will make a decision on your application or ask for more information within 21 days.

Once the NDIA has decided that you may access the Scheme, request for plan management at your initial meeting with your NDIA Planner. There are no conditions attached to receiving funding for plan management, but this is something you need to request.

Funds for NDIS plan management will appear under Capacity Building – Improved Life Choices. (You can find out more about Capacity Building and the other funding categories in our post.)

As it has its own funding line item, plan management will not diminish funding for the other services that you need.

If you didn’t have Plan Management included in your plan, your funding will default to being Agency-Managed. In this option, the NDIA will pay NDIS registered providers on your behalf.

But this also means you can’t use non-NDIS registered providers. You also can’t pay more than the amounts laid out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.

During your plan reassessment

Every NDIS plan comes with a reassessment date (previously called a review date), which usually falls 12 months after your plan starts.

Normally the NDIA conducts a participant check-in three months before this date. During the check-in they will ask how things are going and book a reassessment meeting with you.

You can then request for plan management to be added to your plan during this meeting.


You don’t have to wait a full year for your scheduled plan reassessment. If, after a few months into your plan, you decide you want more flexibility, simply call the NDIS on 1800 800 110.

Just let them know that you want to include plan management in your plan and wait for your request to be approved.

Finding a Plan Manager

Remember that all plan funds remain with the NDIS until your plan manager submits a claim for that amount.

This means they will be responsible for requesting payments from the NDIA, tracking your spending and taking care of administration tasks like keeping your invoices.

They should also be able to provide you a record of your spending to ensure you are not overspending. You wouldn’t want to go into deficit!

Finding a

It is then very important that they understand the ins and outs of the NDIS, and are skilled and qualified to manage your funding.

Once your request for NDIS Plan Management funding is approved, you can find a Plan Manager through myplace portal, your Local Area Coordinator, your Support Coordinator or through your friends and family.

You can also sign up with Afea Plan Management in a matter of minutes! We are a nationally registered plan management provider and are experts in managing NDIS funding.

To get started, you only need to provide us five details:

  1. Your name
  2. Date of birth
  3. NDIS number
  4. Contact details
  5. Plan copy

Watch this video or head straight to our online form!

Questions? Reach out to our team of NDIS experts.

Afea Care Services
Afea Care Services

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