Service bookings to be a minimum of two hours from 1 July
From 1 July 2022, Afea Care Services will require service bookings for our carers to be a minimum of two hours per shift or for each period of work in a broken shift. This change, in line with the upcoming industry-wide Fair Work changes to minimum payments, will apply to all employers, NDIS or Home Care Packages service providers and carers covered by the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award (SCHADS Award).
Why do we have this minimum requirement?
From 1 July 2022, Fair Work requires all part-time and casual employees undertaking home care and disability services work to be paid a minimum of two hours for each shift or period of work in a broken shift.
You can read more about the changes on the Fair Work website.
What does this mean for you as an Afea Client?
Many of our clients are already engaged to receive two hours or more of support each shift from our carers, so will not be affected by this change.
For the few clients who currently receive one-hour services, we will work closely with you to adjust your current schedule to meet the new two-hour minimum requirement.
In the coming weeks, you can expect to be contacted by Afea to discuss your options, to ensure your services are undisrupted when the change takes effect from 1 July 2022. Alternatively, please feel free to contact your Client Coordinator now on or 1300 65 11 33.
We continue to be committed in ensuring your services are always aligned to your specific goals, needs and funding as specified in your NDIS plan.
As your trusted service provider, we have also been speaking to the National Disability Insurance Agency and National Disability Services to lobby on your behalf, especially the NDIS participants whose funding and budget may be impacted by the new Fair Work requirements.
What does this mean for you as a carer or support worker?
The SCHADS Award currently doesn’t include any minimum payment for casual and part-time employees.
This new change taking effect on 1 July means you’re ensured a minimum number of hours for each shift or period of work.
Read our carer stories and contact us to join our team!