If you are planning to deliver supports and services to NDIS participants – for example, as a carer for Afea – you will need to undergo an NDIS Worker Screening Check (NDISWC).
What is an NDISWC?
An NDIS Worker Screening Check is an assessment of whether a person who works, or seeks to work, with people with disability poses a risk to them. This check is conducted by the Worker Screening Unit (WSU) in the state or territory where a person applies for it. The WSU can clear or exclude applicants from working with people with disability.
Your employer will advise you whether you need an NDISWC as part of your work.
What if I already hold a valid check (police check or WWCC)? Do I still need to apply for an NDISWC?
It’s best if you do! In certain circumstances, you can still use some of the previously acceptable checks, but these are all location-specific and can’t be used in all states and territories. The NDISWC is accepted across Australia.
The NDISWC is a relatively new requirement. Before it was introduced, NDIS providers had to ensure workers in risk-assessed roles had acceptable checks, such as (in the case of New South Wales) a criminal record check and a Working with Children Check. If you have worked with an NDIS provider in NSW before, you were probably asked to provide these two checks.
However, the transitional period for worker screening requirements has ended on 1 January 2021. This means that after this date, you will generally have to apply for and gain NDISWC clearance in order to provide NDIS supports.
Application Process – NSW
The application process is easy. Once you’re cleared, your NDISWC is valid for five years. It’s also transferable to other NDIS employers in whatever role across Australia.
The fees and processes vary across states and territories. Check out the following links:
- Australian Capital Territory: Access Canberra
- New South Wales: Service NSW
- Northern Territory: SAFE NT
- Queensland: Disability Worker Screening
- South Australia: Department of Human Services Screening Unit
- Tasmania: Consumer, Building and Occupational Services
- Victoria: Department of Justice and Community Safety
- Western Australia: Department of Communities
For this guide, we’ll focus on New South Wales.
Step 1: Lodge an online application.
Simply head to the NDISWC application link on Service NSW here and follow the prompts.
To complete the online application, you’ll need
- MyServiceNSW Account
- identity documents – see list here of acceptable documents
- your employer’s name – if you’re about to be employed by Afea, you can enter “Afea Pty Ltd”
Step 2: Visit a Service NSW centre within 14 days (2 weeks)
You’ll need to visit a Service NSW centre in person so you can present your original identity documents, pay the fee ($80 or free if volunteering) and have your photo taken.
Step 3: Employer verification and assessment
After Steps 1 and 2, you can sit back, relax and wait.
Your employer will need to verify your application within 30 days. Don’t fret as you’ll receive an email once your employer has done so.
Your application will then be sent to the NDISWC screening agency for assessment. Once you’re cleared, you can begin providing care to people with disability.
As we’ve mentioned above, once you have your NDISWC clearance, it is valid for five years. You don’t need to re-apply if you travel or move interstate!
Become a Carer for Afea
We hope this guide was helpful! If you would like to apply to become a carer or support worker for Afea, visit this page. Our friendly recruitment team will guide you every step of the way.