NDIS Support Worker: Meet Farhiya - Afea Care Services
June 6th 2024

Farhiya has been an Afea Carer since 2017! As an NDIS support worker, she looks after our high care participants in Supported Independent Living.

The key to providing SIL assistance? Treat the SIL homes as if they were your own home, and the participants as if they’re part of your own family.

“You can stay with them long hours and you help and assist. You take responsibility there, like how you’re responsible in your own home.”

Lear more about Farhiya in our interview.

Can you tell us about yourself?

Hi my name is Farhiya, I’m a carer at Afea.

I love caring. Younger or older, whoever they are, I love caring.

Before I started at Afea, I used to be a carer-educator. I look after kids in family day care. I used to look after, in my house, seven kids.

How did you find out about Afea? 

One of my friends used to work here and she told me how they are, how good they are.

I called on Monday, think it was Wednesday I was interviewed, and by Friday I got the job.

And still I have more than five years’ clients, still I’m with them. I love that job.

What’s it like providing support in Supported Independent Living?

You go in home, the client where they live, and you can stay with them long hours and you help and assist. You take responsibility there, be there, like your home, you know, how you’re responsible.

Some they can tell you what they need, some then, you are responsible.

What do you like best about Afea?

The best I love about Afea is I’m working long-term, the company is like a family. It’s just like, you know, if there’s something you don’t understand, they’re going to explain to you, they’re going to support you. They are good.

Interested in becoming an NDIS support worker in Sydney or Melbourne?

Whether you’re an experienced support worker or someone looking for meaningful work, we have a place for you at Afea. Apply as a carer now!

Afea Care Services
Afea Care Services

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