A Spotlight on Anna, Quality & Risk Manager | Afea Care Services
April 19th 2022

Meet Anna! Anna moved to Australia from the Philippines in 2011 and started working at Afea soon after. As an Afean with an 11-year tenure under her belt, she has seen it all and has, more or less, done it all! She contributed to Afea’s success as a receptionist, Care Coordinator and Team Leader before moving onto a number of leadership positions, including her current role as Quality & Risk Manager. You can see her full Afea journey in our Culture Book!

In her role as Quality & Risk Manager, she ensures the organisation meets the quality and risk standards requirements and provides support and guidance to management and staff regarding the industry-related legislations and regulations.

When she’s not at work, she spends quality time with her family and enjoys camping, swimming and embarking on bush and nature walks.

Keep reading to learn more about Anna!

When did you first join Afea?

I joined Afea in 2011 as a receptionist so it’s 11 years this year.

Tell us about your promotion!

I have been given a lot of opportunities in the past 11 years. It has been constantly growing as an organisation. The most recent role I was given the opportunity to do is the Quality & Risk Manager role when I came back from my maternity leave. The previous role that I was in was the Services Manager role, which I enjoyed very much for a couple of years.

What is your proudest moment at Afea?

My proudest moment at Afea is seeing employees thrive, and seeing them grow and also get promoted!

What do you like most about Afea?

The people – everyone’s just very supportive of each other.

The leadership team – how they are so involved in the business. They’re always available and they really involve everyone in making decisions for the company.

The work that we do as an organisation – the impact that we create within the community and providing support to people in need.

And now for the Fun Round…

What’s your favourite cuisine?


What’s your favourite dessert?

Chocolate cake. (So basic, right?? Haha.)

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

Grant wishes like a genie!

We are always on the lookout for passionate, compassionate people to join Team Afea – find out how!

Afea Care Services
Afea Care Services

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