How support from NDIS and Afea saved Simone's life - Afea Care Services
July 6th 2023

Simone has had a difficult life journey. “My parents dropped dead from heart attacks when I was 32 and 36, and I found both of them.”

She shares that she has PTSD, anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder. She is comfortable to talk openly about her struggles as she knows it can help another person feel less alone.

“If I could help somebody else, this is what this is really about,” Simone says. “It’s not about me, it’s about helping other clients to realise that they’re not on their own.”

Domestic assistance from Afea

A client of Afea since 2021, Simone receives domestic assistance from Afea Carer Yaochuan every week. “I’m very grateful to Yaochuan for everything that she’s done for me.”

Simone and Yaochuan

NDIS participants can use their Core funding to pay for support workers to assist them around the home and out in the community. Simone, who lives alone in her own apartment, believes receiving NDIS support has saved her life.

No more worries

“When I moved in here, I had no NDIS, no nothing. It was horrible. And then two years later, my NDIS came through, and it was like I’m a different person.”

She says that with the help of NDIS and Afea, she no longer worries “about what’s gonna happen next.”

‘Reading is a passion’

In her spare time, she enjoys reading or watching shows, or heading out to go to dog parks, the movies or cheering on the Souths.

“Reading is a passion,” Simone shares, surrounded by her bookshelves full of novels and volumes of nonfiction. Her favourite book is Gregory David Roberts’ Shantaram, which is about a convicted Australian bank robber who escapes to India. It has been recently adapted to a television series starring Charlie Hunnam.

Future goals

As for her future goals, Simone hopes to one day return to volunteering in a library. “And that maybe I can clean my house myself,” she adds.

“I’ve come through the other side now, and I’m so much better than what I was.”

Find experienced support workers with Afea Care Services

Our amazing support workers will provide you with compassionate care at home and in the community to help you live more independently, achieve your goals and get the most out of life! 

In addition to our compassionate Core support services

  • Afea’s Support Coordinators are committed to helping you achieve your goals, develop your skills and access the best services suited to your needs. Reduce the stress and time spent on implementing NDIS plans with the help of our amazing Support Coordinators!
  • Our Plan Management team is your financial champion, ensuring your funding is used to its fullest potential.

Contact us now to begin receiving care.

You can also email us via or call 1300 65 11 33.

Afea Care Services
Afea Care Services

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