And what we’re grateful for at Afea
Every year in September, the world celebrates World Gratitude Day. It’s a day for us to celebrate what we have to be thankful for and how we can share this gratitude with others.
What is World Gratitude Day?
Spiritual leader Sri Chinmoy suggested World Gratitude Day in 1965 in Hawaii. The date was chosen as it is the Spring/Autumn Equinox and is one of only two times in the year where the days everywhere are equal length. Sri received the World Gratitude Day Award in 1977 in New York and the day has been honoured worldwide ever since.
Why is World Gratitude Day important?
The day allows everyone the opportunity to express appreciation for all the wonderful things in the world. Sri Chinmoy said in his acceptance speech: “As a seeker, I know that there is nothing on earth as valuable and significant as gratitude.”
This year has been a tough one for us all. We have been battling a global pandemic, many people have lost their livelihoods, loved ones and have spent months in isolation. We must be grateful for the things we do have, even if they don’t seem as bountiful as they used to be. When we count our blessings, we become more aware of the good things in our lives. We interrupt the cycle of negativity and see things in a more positive light.
What are you grateful for?
We are lucky at Afea to be grateful for so many things. We have a friendly and optimistic workplace and managers who lead with compassion. This month for World Gratitude Day think about the things you can be thankful for. They could include:
- Your loved ones, whether they be your immediate family, friends or carers who you share your life with.
- The food you have in your cupboard and where it comes from.
- Your job or any other financial help you receive that helps pay your bills.
- Our healthcare system in Australia which has done such a good job at managing COVID-19.
- Our amazing nature including greenery everywhere and lots of beautiful sunrises and sunsets.
- Our furry friends and the boundless joy they give.
How you can celebrate World Gratitude Day
Say thanks to someone special
Is there someone in your life who has helped you out recently? Or someone who you know is always there for you? You could write them a nice card or if you can’t see them in person, send them a text or give them a call. This celebration gives you the perfect opportunity to share your appreciation.
Thank your community
When you buy your morning coffee, do you ever properly thank the barista? What about the teacher at your child’s school or your postal worker who delivers your mail? This month, make the extra effort to thank these people in your life. Make sure they appreciate all the work they do for you every day. These people are being paid to do their job, but it’s also nice to feel appreciated for hard work.
Set up some thankful habits
How often do you think about the things you’re thankful for in your day? This month could be a good time to start some new gratitude habits. You could introduce a gratitude journal and write down one thing that you’re thankful for each day.
You could even encourage your family or household members to do the same. At dinner, you could ask each person what they’re thankful for that day. Explain to them that doesn’t have to be much, just something that made them feel thanks. You could even join the Just One Little Thing Movement – a community focused on finding happiness in the little things.