How Capital Supports can help improve lives | Afea Care Services
November 15th 2021

NDIS funding category: Capital Supports

Your NDIS funding is allocated across three categories – Core Supports, Capacity Building and Capital Supports.

Here we’re going to look at the third NDIS funding category, Capital Supports. This funding is for higher cost items and modifications that can help improve your life.

Funds within this budget can only be used for their specific purpose and shouldn’t be used to pay for anything else. There are two support categories in the Capital Supports funding.

1. Assistive Technology

The Assistive Technology budget includes any items that can improve your mobility, communication or inclusion. Some examples include:

  • Vehicle modifications to improve wheelchair access or help you drive safely.
  • Assistive products for household tasks, personal care and safety such as smart devices, wheelchairs and other mobility equipment, electric beds, vision assistive technology, communication devices or prosthetics.

2. Household modifications and Specialist Disability Accommodation

This capital supports budget includes modifications in your home to make it safer and easier to get around. It could include anything from handrails in the bathroom, a stair climber, adjustments to the kitchen or structural changes to make it easier to get around. The budget includes the assessment, delivery and maintenance costs with your home modification.

This budget also covers Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) for NDIS participants with high needs.

If you need help to understand your Capital Supports funding, please get in touch with us to find out how we can help you maximise your funding to achieve your goals.

Afea Care Services
Afea Care Services

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